This is my archive
December 31, 2016
On The Twelfth Day of Giving, My Food Bank Gave to Me…
By giving generously this holiday season, we can all make a big difference. 12 friends of the food bank have also signed up to match any gift made before the clock strikes midnight tonight, up to $100,000. Join us!
December 30, 2016
On The Eleventh Day of Giving, My Food Bank Gave to Me…
Whenever I see boys and girls begin trickling into one of our after school meal programs, I know they’re thinking about all the things that have happened that day – with their teachers, friends, families. But most of all, they’re thinking about food.
December 29, 2016
On The Tenth Day of Giving, My Food Bank Gave to Me….
For the past few years, Calvert Foundation has come to the food bank as a way to give back to the local community. Our firm supports communities around the world, and this is one of the more direct ways we are involved. And we like coming to the food bank because we know that so many other organizations rely on it.
December 28, 2016
On The Ninth Day of Giving, My Food Bank Gave to Me…
I spend my days surrounded by seniors who love laughter, gossip, and food. While there’s always plenty of the laughter and gossip in their lives, there’s not always quite enough food. We’re there to help fill that gap.
December 27, 2016
On The Eighth Day of Giving, My Food Bank Gave to Me…
It’s amazing to watch an eggplant transform from an unidentifiable “purple thing” into a delicious and healthy meal. And that’s what I get to do on a regular basis as part of the food bank’s nutrition education team.
December 26, 2016
On The Seventh Day of Giving, My Food Bank Gave to Me…
Parents love our family markets because it’s easy to get to, and it’s a warm, inviting space. Their kids love it because there are good smells, things to taste, and the comfort of being in a place they know. Last year we had 7,000 families come to shop.
December 25, 2016
On The Sixth Day of Giving, My Food Bank Gave to Me…
Our food doesn’t move itself. At the food bank, we have a crack team of 16 drivers who pick up and drop off food all wherever it is needed most. I’m one of them.
December 24, 2016
On The Fifth Day of Giving, My Food Bank Gave to Me…
I pull boxes of canned green vegetables; brown rice; canned chicken and tuna – you name it – off of our racks, sometimes from as high as 50 feet off the ground.
December 23, 2016
On the Fourth Day of Giving, My Food Bank Gave to Me…
Meet Dorothy Boddie, who, for the past 20 years, has driven her car up to our doors, loading them with boxes filled with beans, greens, grains, meat, dairy, and lots of produce.
December 22, 2016
On The Third Day of Giving, My Food Bank Gave to Me…
How does the food bank provide 46 million pounds of food to the community each year?