Kudos to the FDA - Capital Area Food Bank
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Kudos to the FDA

By Nancy E. Roman May 21, 2016

We applaud yesterday’s new nutrition labels released yesterday that highlight important changes related to calories, serving sizes and sugars.
It’s the first overhaul of labels in 20 years and, as WashPo says “highlights the many breakthroughs in nutrition science as well as upheavals in the nation’s disease burden during that period.”
This fits right in with what the Capital Area Food Bank is trying to do – provide emergency food when needed, but also provide the right food, and help build knowledge about how to eat to lower chances of diabetes and heart disease.
Kudos to the FDA.
To reconnect people to good food, and knowledge about how food connects to their wellness and health it will take all of us – CAFB, the government, the private sector and YOU.
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