Like many served by the CAFB, Brinkley is no stranger to hunger. “I know what it is to be hungry,” she says. “I know what it is to not have. When I have one slice of cheese and two pieces of bread, I make the most of what I have.”
Brinkley, however, knows how to stretch her food budget, and encourages others to do just that. She’s the first to recognize that senior citizens talk amongst themselves often, so she works in messages about freezing corn, and using pasta to turn other ingredients into a meal. Supporting the practices of food preservation and buying in bulk, Wendy says, “When chicken or hamburgers are on sale, I load up.” Always one to share her knowledge with others, one might hear her say, “Just because you’re getting this produce doesn’t mean you need to eat it right now—preserve it.” Stretching her food has lessened the problem of hunger for Wendy and her family. She describes herself as “the type of person that’s going to fill your stomach.”
Brinkley wants to help others feed themselves and their families, and as a CAFB volunteer, she is doing just that. She can be seen around the building, making binders for Family Market trainings, promoting the Hunger Lifeline program, or making preparations to teachone of the food bank’s six-week Cooking Matters courses hosted at partner sites. The CAFB is fortunate to have Brinkley as part of its family. Through her understanding that hunger is not seasonal, but affects people every day; Brinkely exemplifies the true meaning of Thanksgiving through her actions.
We want to continue providing senior citizens in the Brown Bag Program with a turkey and other Thanksgiving complements that typically make up this season’s delicious holiday meal. And, since many seniors are helping to support other family members, it is vital we have enough food for their families as well.
Invest today in the health and wellness of our seniors. Your contribution will go on to ensure there is a turkey at every table.