May Donor Appreciation Breakfast and Volunteer Day - Capital Area Food Bank
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May Donor Appreciation Breakfast and Volunteer Day

You're invited! Please join us as we thank you for your support this Spring!

The Capital Area Food Bank warmly invites you to attend a breakfast with our staff on Saturday, May 4th at 9:00am. Following breakfast, we will discuss the state of food insecurity in our region, and then you’ll assume a persona of someone facing hunger, develop their budget, and start their journey to get enough food to feed themselves and their family for one day. After the workshop we’ll convene as a group to pack boxes of shelf stable food to feed seniors in need in our region. 

To RSVP, we ask individuals to please fill out the form below by April 29th. Space is limited to 25 due to capacity constraints for volunteer shifts. RSVPs will be accepted until all spaces are filled.

Once you have successfully submitted the form, you will be redirected back to this page, and a CAFB staff member will connect with you to confirm in a few business days.

Please contact with any questions or call 202-349-9386.

May Donor Volunteer Day 2024

Children 12+ must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. Children under age 12 are not permitted to volunteer in our warehouse. The Capital Area Food Bank's warehouse is wheelchair accessible--we are happy to find something for you to do that's a seated activity!